Tough Talkin’!

The author of Tough Talkin’! said that kids face bulling and that the best way to stop it is to tell an adult.  I think different. I think that if you have a problem with bullies you should just ignore them. If you ignore them there is a pretty good chance that they will stop. You don’t always need to tell some one. You should only tell if they hurt you or your stuff.

Flying World

On my YouTube channel I have a new series. It is called flying world. It is a world where we have to live in the sky. When it is up. Get it, up. Flying world. Whatever.   When it is up you should check it out.

Andrew Lost With The Dinosaurs ( A Book I Read)

I have been reading Andrew Lost With The Dinosaurs. It was about a boy named Andrew. He found a way to go back in time. He got to the time of the dinosaurs. He needed to get back with out getting eaten.

This book has a lots of facts. These books aren’t just fun books. There are lots of facts. I think that teachers would really like their kids to read this.

This book was really fun to read. In the end it really made me want to read the next book. I had the other book so I went right for it.

Andrew Lost In Time (A Book I Read)

I have been reading Andrew Lost In Time. It is about a boy named Andrew who got lost in time. 😉 His uncle got taken by an evil guy who trapped him in the time of the ice age. The boy (Andrew) and his cousin need to save him. His uncle also had a way to go back in time. Andrew and Judy (His cousin) used it to try to get to their uncle.

This book is in a howl group of books. The groups of books are in a series of books. This group is when they go back in time. There is one in the ocean and two when they get shrunk. I think this is a good style. th-1

This book is really fun to read. This book is in a series and they are all fun to read. They tell you facts and there are funny and fun parts. Theses books are great!

National Geographic Atlas Of The World: Continents Adrift (A book I read)

I read a page in National Geographic Atlas Of The World. The page was called Continents Adrift. It was about the continents in the world moving and how they do it. I learned allot.

One of the main things that I learned about was the layers of the earth. The crust is the main part of the earth. That’s the main part were on. The crust is floating on the mantle, miles and miles of hot iron and magma. There are also many more parts of earth.

This books was really full of information but I learned allot of important stuff. I did forget some important stuff but I now know much more about Earth.

Photo on 5-11-15 at 6.14 PM

Yep, Were Crazy

I was looking at photos on my computer. On found a strange one. My mom my dog and me were in it. My hair was crazy. My mom had a stuffed dog on hr shoulder. My dog was looking the wrong way. Ok, I’ll just show you.

Photo on 2-28-15 at 1.23 PM    Ya, that’s odd. 😉